Make a Static module

from asthook.static.module.register import ModuleStaticCmd, load_module

from asthook.utils import Output

@ModuleStaticCmd("seek_literal", "seek Literal specify with regexp", str, "+")
class SeekLiteral:
    Class Exemple of creation static module
    def __init__(self, package, tmp_dir, args):
        load_module("name_file", "name_file_node")
        load_module("seekLiteral", "seek_literal")

        seek_literal.SeekLiteral.add("personal", args.seek_literal)

        Output.add_printer_callback("tree", "seek_literal", "personal", mprint)

def mprint(arg : list) -> str:
    pad = "." * (48 - len(arg[0]))
    return f"{arg[0]} {pad} {arg[1]} : {arg[2]}"

The constructor of the class gives access to:

  • package: name of the package to analyse;

  • tmp_dir str: to give the path where all files of this project is stored;

  • args object: to give all arguments give by user at launch or on the interactive mode.

You need to create a class with the decorator appropriate

Static module gives access to some methods as: